What Is Self-Harm?
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness: “Self-harm or self-injury means hurting yourself on purpose. One common method is cutting with a sharp object. But any time someone deliberately hurts themself is classified as self-harm. Some people feel an impulse to cause burns, pull out hair or pick at wounds to prevent healing. Extreme injuries can result in broken bones.”
Self-harm comes in many different variations and all are severe and deserving of help regardless of scaring or size. People self-harm for many reasons such as trauma, feelings of emptiness, mental illness and more. Although self-harming behaviors can be associated with suicidality at times, that’s not the case for everyone who struggles. Treatment options are available and the sooner you reach out for help the easier your recovery process will be.
What Is A Self-Harm Prevention Kit?
A self-harm prevention kit, otherwise known as a self soothing kit, self-harm distraction box, or self-harm coping box is a box in which you keep items to help you cope with self-harm urges in case of need. It can also be used for any time when you’re emotionally distressed and in need of comfort or a distraction.
The size and contents of your self harm prevention kit are up to you and they differ by the preferences and needs of each person. However, generally speaking, it’s best to keep your box somewhat small and accessible. That way you can take it with you outside of your home in an emergency. Personally, I keep 2 self-harm kits, a larger one with more items that stays at home and a smaller-travel-sized kit.
Why Keep A Self-Harm Prevention Kit?
Often when the urge hits it becomes so overwhelming and intense that you feel as though you have no other choice other than to give in. It may seem impossible to stop and think rationally or remember and look for the items and healthy coping mechanisms you need. I’ve been clean from self-harm for about a year, and having a coping box has played a major role in this. Being able to simply grab the box without any thought helps quickly manage the situation before it escalates.
{Related Post-7 Self-Harm Alternatives That Actually Help}
What To Keep In A Self-Harm Prevention Kit?
When creating your own self-harm coping box try and think of the things that normally help you when in distress. I find it easiest to focus on different categories, some examples include-
Mental Distractions- puzzles, games, fidget toys, sodoku, books, putty, hobby materials, and art supplies-I find mandala books to be the perfect distraction since all I have to do is open it up and I can immediately start to fill in the lines, without any extra thought or effort. Basically, anything that will keep you busy and put your thoughts in a different place.
Strong Sensations- stress ball, rubber bands to flick on your wrist, a small pillow to hit or a mini punching bag, a jump rope, sour candy, perfume with a strong scent. Things that will cause a strong sensation and shift your feelings elsewhere.
Motivation- pictures with loved ones, motivational quotes, a list of reasons to keep going, and letters from loved ones. Anything that reminds you of why you should keep pushing.
Calming Activities- scented candles, lotion, essential oils, a bath bomb, herbal tea. Items that help you relax and unwind.
Lists- Create organized lists ahead of time with coping skills, phone numbers of friends and family you can reach out to when struggling, and a list of activities that you enjoy. Try to write down anything that might be helpful, making decisions and remembering ideas is much more difficult when you’re overwhelmed. Make the process as simple as possible beforehand.
Comforting Items- a stuffed animal, your favorite snack, a photo album, something that reminds you of a positive memory, a nostalgic object. Whatever makes you feel safe and secure and reminds you that you are loved.
Additional Recomandations-
- A Bottle of Water- pretty self-explanatory, calming, and necessary.
- A Journal- writing down your thoughts and feelings is a great way to vent and clear your mind.
Purchase Links To Every Item You Need To Create Your Own Self Harm Prevention Kit
Of course, you can make your own box from things you already have at home. However, if you’d like I’ll add links below to each of the items I’ve mentioned above. You may want to consider creating your coping box from things you own and only adding on a few relevant products. Just click on the item and you’ll be sent straight to the link.
- Box
- Putty
- Sodoku
- Fidget Toys
- Mandala Book
- Art Supplies
- Stress Ball
- Rubber Bands
- Mini Punching Bag
- Jump Rope
- Sour Candy
- Strong Perfume
- Motivational Quotes
- Scented Candle
- Lotion
- Essential oils
- Bath Bomb
- Relaxing Herbal Tea
- Small Journal