I’m not going to try to make dealing with depression sound easy or sell you some lies. But depression is manageable and you can most definitely live a great, full life with a depression diagnosis. These are my ultimate tips on how to deal with depression in the most effective way possible.
Dealing with depression can make us feel as though the world is closing in on us. When getting diagnosed many of us lose hope and believe that life will forever feel dull and meaningless but that does not have to be true.
There is no doubt that depression can certainly have an effect on one’s life but you are still so much more than a diagnosis.
Learning how to manage your depression symptoms and finding different ways to cope with depression can and will make your life so much better.
I want to give you the ultimate tips on how to deal with your depression. Using these tips I was able to bring myself out of a very dark place and thanks to them I can finally say that I have found happiness in my life.
This post is all about the ultimate tips on how to deal with depression.
1. Express Yourself Creatively-
This one is so much harder than it sounds. Depression can make you feel extremely numb, exhausted, and overwhelmed.
I find using creative outlets as a way to express and understand my emotions very effective. Doing so and seeing all my negative thoughts and feelings turn into art makes everything feel so much better. It gives me a different perspective and a true chance to understand and let go of negativity.
Write, paint, act, whatever it is that works for you. Giving yourself a place to truly feel and let go of your emotions is so helpful when coping with depression and will make you feel so much better and help release pain and stress.
I know that at times truly letting yourself feel your emotions let alone expressing them seems impossible, remember to take it one day at a time, and don’t be too hard on yourself.
2. Stay In Touch-
Depression can make you want to do nothing but curl up in a ball and stay in bed for days at a time. We barely have the energy to take care of ourselves let alone stay in touch and keep up with relationships.
On top of that, a lot of us who struggle may develop low self-esteem or feel like a burden to others. Remember you are so much more than your illness and you are truly worthy and deserving no matter how much it doesn’t feel like it right now.
Interacting and socializing with others can keep you from falling into a deeper depression and help you stay motivated.
I know when dealing with depression this is much easier said than done but even the little things count. You don’t have to go out every night or be overly social, try to do as much as you can.
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3.Have Some Sort Of Schedule
When I first began seeking help for depression one of the most common answers I got when asking how to deal with depression was that I need to stick to a strict schedule. Although I do believe this can be very effective I know this isn’t always possible.
Try to have some sort of routine, whether it consists only of eating and taking showers or a fully packed schedule, listen to yourself and do whatever you currently can handle.
Do something, every “small” thing counts, you don’t have to be extremely efficient but don’t just rot in bed all day. Have some sort of plan, something to do, and stick to it.
Take it day by day and challenge yourself a bit more each time, keep going I know everything may be hard right now but it gets easier and will be worth it in the end.
4.Motivate Yourself-
Staying motivated when dealing with depression is tough to say the very least. You need to find whatever it is that will keep you going.
Remind yourself that there are better days ahead and stick to even the smallest things that make you feel good(not talking about unhealthy coping mechanisms that have long-term consequences here).
Depression can mess with your self-esteem and sense of self-worth so remember to remind yourself how amazing and strong you are that you keep pushing. People with depression often do the opposite and bring themselves down but you need to be your own best friend and become your number one supporter.
I find reading motivational quotes, books and poetry keeps me motivated and feeling good. Getting myself to exercise when really struggling with my depression is hard but I also find that when I do exercise it has a very positive effect on me and keeps me motivated.
5. Talk To Someone
Many times when struggling with depression the last thing you want to do is talk it out, and truly giving it room makes it feel so much more real.
But talking about it can also be very helpful. Hearing yourself out loud and having another person’s point of view, may lead to you understanding or solving things you wouldn’t be able to without talking it out.
In addition, when struggling we all need support, and knowing someone else can hear us is very comforting. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a therapist, you can talk to a friend, family member, anyone who you feel is right for you.
This Post Was All About How To Deal With Depression.
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